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Conservation Commission Minutes 3/12/13
Town of Monterey, Massachusetts
Present: Timothy Lovett, David Dempsey, Christopher Blair and Betty Pixley
The meeting convened at 6:05p.m.

Rissman – RDA – 48 Tyringham – work within the 100ft buffer zone of Lake Garfield (T. Lovett is the project manager)
Craig Okerstrom Lang and Pam Sandler were present to review the proposed project.  A trench for underground electric will be dug within 100 feet of the lake.  Invasive plants will be removed using a small excavator and will be replace with bare root shrubs.  Trees that have fallen into the lake will be removed.  A silt fence and straw waddles will be in place prior to any work being performed.  The Commission approved the project as submitted (N3).

Rissman – SMANOI – 48 Tyringham - to construct an addition to the main house, demolish and reconstruct an existing barn, install a new septic system and underground electric, as well as perform site, drainage and landscape work (T. Lovett is the project manager)
Craig Okerstrom Lang was present to review the proposed project.  The applicant would like to construct an addition to the main house which is below 1500 feet in elevation.  Also proposed is a screen porch addition, mudroom addition and laundry room addition.  The applicant will be installing a new septic system which does fall under the SMA jurisdiction.  The existing barn will be removed and a new one constructed.  The proposed new barn will shift over 12 feet in roughly the same footprint.  The proposed new barn will have 2 bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and garage.  Abutting neighbors the Garvers had concerns about runoff and were assured there shouldn’t be any additional runoff.  The Commission requested that the applicant clarify vista pruning on the site plan.  The project was approved with the following conditions:
  • Erosion controls as shown on all drawings and as described in the project narrative must be installed. Call Conservation Commission to schedule site visit for approval before commencing construction.
  • A final septic system plan approved by the Board of Health must be in place prior to any construction commencing.  Trees to be removed and saved must be depicted on site plan. Please call Conservation Commission to meet with Architect and/or Landscape Architect, on site, prior to commencing construction.
  • Before commencing Vista Pruning please call Conservation Commission to schedule a site visit. Project principal shall be able to depict and explain the desired Vista Pruning goal at that time.
For Discussion:
1.  Mail was reviewed.
2.  Minutes from 1.22.13 were approved as written.
3.  The Commission reviewed the special permit application for Adams & Walker of 8 Lakeside Ave and will send a letter to the ZBA letting them know that the applicant will need to file a WPA RDA and SMA NOI with the Commission.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

Submitted by: Betty Pixley and Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary
cc: Conservation Commission Board Members